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Exhibition and showroom

Product launch? Presentation of a new collection? Make this your showroom during your special event.


Specialising in the hosting of professional exhibitions, the Porte Sud de Genève Convention Centre can provide 630 sq. metres of exhibition area with an adjacent 390 sq. metre hall.


There’s room for forty stands and you can organise talks, appointments and workshops in the rooms nearby.


The location will be all yours, entirely reserved for your visitors only!


You’ll have an office for the exhibition secretariat, a reception desk to record your visitors’ details and, within easy reach, the gong for all your PA announcements.


For their part, exhibitors and visitors will enjoy the view of Mount Salève and the access to the esplanade and terraces outside. Gone are the days of exhibitions where you don’t see daylight for the entire duration!


The following slide show indicates a range of potential layouts. This is just a selection but you can see more by displaying all our rooms. You can then see the choice of sub-committee rooms available for talks held in parallel to the main event.


Up to 40 stands with the possibility of talks held in parallel to the main event